There was a video playing of some important presidential moments at the National Portrait gallery, and I attempted to sketch some President faces. Keep in mind these were video clips, of moving, talking faces, no more than a couple minutes long.
So today. I decided I wanted to see Journey to Mecca at the National History Museum IMAX theater. It was about Ibn Batutta's Hajj pilgrimage in the 1300s. I'm taking an Arab-Islamic History Class this semester, making this very topical, and I'm assuming Ibn Batutta will at least be mentioned in class sometime during these next few weeks. The film was very well-done and beautiful, although I was quite overwhelmed by crowds of screaming children. Busy day for schoolgroups! The film started at 10:25, which let me sleep in a little bit this morning. All this touring is wearing me out; I need all the sleep I can get!
After the film I meant to visit the National Archives, but couldn't get in. I'm not sure if it was actually closed or if I was just trying the wrong doors...
From here I hiked into Penn Quarter. It seemed fairly early in the day, but it was already after 11, and perhaps I never woke up entirely, because I was already tired and hungry! I walked up Seventh Street all the way to H street, above which I found Nando Peri Peri, a restaurant recommended by my father. I ordered 1/4 chicken with a side of Portuguese rice, along with some mango-ceylon iced tea. Even at the mild level, this was all quite spicy, and gave me a lot of much-needed energy!
I went next to the Building Museum. This is significant mostly because the building itself was quite grand and beautiful inside. It also has a fun giftshop.
Next was my main destination: the American Art Museum and National Portrait Gallery. The modern portraiture was amazing and exciting. I need to get my hands on some oil paint right away!
The older americans portraits were wonderful to explore. I kept saying "I know you" as I came across half-remembered faces from history textbooks, civil war documentaries, and art history exams. I also enjoyed studying them for style- James was right. John Singleton's self-portrait is masterful, and when you get right up to it you can see that there are dashes of paint, of color, that he's just left there on top and not blended at all- and it's perfect.
Yay for outsider art!
I love the blocky brushwork in this- just one example of the fine work in the Presidential Gallery.
So basically I spent the entire afternoon at this museum, and saw everything, only stopping for an espresso-and-chocolate pick-me-up in the courtyard café. It was fun... and like I said, I need some oil paints. I need to... learn how to paint, learn how to draw, use some reference, and get it right. The high school "I'll draw it this way, and it'll sort of work" just isn't doing it anymore. My artistic sensibilities no longer agree that it looks good- so my skill and work ethic need to go up a step as well.
I meant to explore the shops etc. at the Old Post Office building, but it turns out it doesn't stay open late until April. Disappointing, as I was hoping for a snack or drink of some sort. (I am spending so much money on this trip. I told this to my mother, and she said I would just have to eat rice and beans for the next few months. Looking good for Biggest Loser! Go team!) If the Irish pub I passed earlier had been nearby I may have popped in for a pint- as it was I walked a few extra blocks to Metro Center and headed on home.
At home tonight we watched Persuasion, a Jane Austin film none of us had seen. It was pretty fun- after I looked up the plot of Wikipedia and we figured out what was going on. Andrea has just introduced me to Project Runway, which has just finished. Time for sleep! I haven't been sleeping entirely well, mostly because there is so much stuff from my busy days going through my head, but I'm thinking exhaustion is going to catch up eventually.
Tomorrow I think I will see the Vietnam, Korea, Lincoln, and Jefferson Monuments, and spend more time at the National Gallery.
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